Ohio Treasurer’s Office Announces Compass Award Honorees

(From the Office of the Ohio Treasurer)

Ohio Treasurer Robert Sprague has announced the latest round of Compass Award honorees for 2024. The annual recognition program commends organizations, programs, and individuals across the state who are working to guide Ohioans toward financial literacy and empowerment.

“Whether you’re in grade school or well into your retirement years, access to quality financial education can help you navigate some of life’s most daunting decision points,” said Treasurer Sprague. “This year’s Compass Award honorees are enhancing our state and their communities by empowering people with the knowledge to succeed in the workplace, manage personal finances, and plan for long-term success. We’re proud to honor these three organizations for making a genuine difference in the lives of Ohioans and helping them to take better control of their financial future.”


The 2024 Compass Award honorees are:


LISC Toledo

Local Initiatives Support Corporation Toledo (LISC Toledo) works closely with service-oriented organizations and community partners to create opportunities for individuals throughout the Greater Toledo area. LISC Toledo fosters economic growth and household stability by providing direct funding and technical assistance to small businesses, supporting affordable housing by leveraging grants and supporting neighborhood revitalization, and assisting individual growth through their Income & Wealth building program.

The Income & Wealth building program uses their trademark Financial Opportunity Center (FOC) model to give Toledo residents a pathway toward improving their financial health and literacy. The FOC offers services such as employment assistance, financial education & coaching, and access to income supports. In 2023, the LISC Toledo FOC network served more than 2,300 people and over 800 individuals achieved at least one key financial outcome.


Montgomery County Reentry Career Alliance Academy

In Montgomery County, the Reentry Career Alliance Academy (RCAA) provides personal and career development curriculum to individuals reentering society following release from incarceration. The four-week program – which serves nine cohorts each year composed of 15-20 participants per cohort – consists of 29 workshops with topics covering financial literacy, housing, education, healthcare, and more. The financial literacy series of workshops are facilitated in partnership with Day Air Credit Union and the office of Montgomery County Treasurer John McManus and provide participants with critical information about basic budgeting, building and managing credit, tax compliance, and much more.


Scarlet and Gray Financial

Scarlet and Gray Financial is a financial coaching program available through The Ohio State University’s Office of Student Life. The program has received national recognition and utilizes a peer-to-peer model where trained students deliver coaching to other students on various money-related topics. Students participating in the program have access to a variety of workshops and online courses. Through these sessions, the students work together to develop goals, create spending plans, and establish next steps to achieve greater financial stability and success.

To see a full list of previous Compass Award honorees and to learn more about other financial literacy programs from the Ohio Treasurer’s Office, visit our website.