Planning Commission Approves Big Box Retail Store For Mall Location

A big box retailer’s plan to build a store at the location of the Findlay Village Mall is coming to fruition. 

The Findlay City Planning Commission at its Thursday meeting approved the application for site plan review submitted by Rocky Five Investments, the owner of the mall, for a new 131,809 square foot retail big box store at 1800 Tiffin Avenue, the location of the mall.

The new store will replace the middle section of the mall. 

The name of the big box retailer still has not been released.

Findlay Mayor Christina Muryn tells WFIN that she anticipates the retailer being comfortable with being identified sometime soon.



Planning commission documents show that the plan is to demolish the middle section of the mall, a 188,000 square foot structure designated lot 8 in the picture below, to build the new 131,809 square foot retail store.

The demolition will create separation of the new big box store from Dunham’s, Michael’s, and Tokyo Steakhouse to the west, leaving room for a 24-foot drive and additional parking spots on the west side.

The newly open space in the front will allow to keep a consistent drive aisle along the front of the new retail store lining up with the Runnings store.

The new retail store will have 406 parking spots, which is above the minimum required.

Mayor Muryn, in the audio above, says the city will work with mall tenants affected by the demolition of the mall to find new locations.