Red Cross Holding Recruitment Event In Putnam County
(From the Red Cross of North Central Ohio)
The American Red Cross North Central Ohio Chapter currently has an urgent need for volunteers in several critical roles. The organization will host a recruitment event in Ottawa for attendees to learn about volunteer opportunities in Putnam County and hear from current volunteers about their experiences.
The Putnam County Fall into Service volunteer recruitment program will take place on Thursday, November 9th from 5:30-6:30 PM. The event will be held in-person at Henry’s Restaurant at 810 Locust Street, Ottawa, OH 45875. All attendees will receive a free slice of Henry’s homemade pie!
For more information or to register for a Fall volunteer recruitment event, click here or call 216-431-2238.
As more people rely on the Red Cross for help, the need for compassionate volunteers has never been greater. From helping people affected by disasters, like home fires and floods, to supporting the collection of lifesaving blood, there are many ways to help neighbors in need through our most-needed positions:
Blood Donor Ambassador: Every 2 seconds someone in the U.S. needs blood. The need for blood is constant and so is the need for volunteers at our blood drives to help save lives. Volunteer Blood Donor Ambassadors ensure that blood donors have a pleasant and fulfilling experience.
Disaster Action Team: While big hurricanes and wildfires get the most news coverage, smaller disasters are no less devasting to the families affected. Most of the 60,000 emergencies that the Red Cross responds to each year are smaller disasters like home fires. Disaster Action Team volunteers help comfort and support people by meeting any immediate needs such as food, shelter, clothing or supplies and connecting them to long term recovery services.
Recovery Care Caseworker: From a single-family fire to large-scale hurricane or flood, caseworkers help meet the disaster-caused needs of individuals and families with recovery planning by matching Red Cross resources and assistance to these needs.
Shelter Service Associate: During large disasters, shelter workers support the day-to-day activities within a shelter which may include working in reception, registration, feeding, dormitory, information or other areas within a shelter. Free online training will be provided.
Disaster Health Services Team: During large disasters, volunteers use their professional skills as a licensed healthcare provider to deliver hands on care and education to shelter residents.
Free online training will be provided and can count towards nursing continuing education units. Qualified licenses include RN, LPN, LVN, EMT, Paramedic, MD, DO, PA, NP, APRN.