Sadler Running For Findlay City Council
Haydee Sadler has announced that she is running for a seat on Findlay City Council.
Sadler is vying for the seat representing the Sixth Ward.
Rodney Phillips is also running for the Sixth Ward seat.
Current Sixth Ward councilmember Jim Niemeyer is not running for reelection
The Primary Election is on May 6th.
Below is a news release sent out by Sadler announcing her candidacy.
I’m Running for Findlay City Council Ward 6 – It’s Time for Change!
If not us, then who? If not now, then when? A phrase I use often in a call to action – and now is a time for action.
I’m stepping up once again to serve our community in the greatest capacity I can. It’s time for a change, and I want to be the one to bring the change that people want to see.
When I ran for Mayor of Findlay in 2023, I listened to the concerns of residents and sought real answers. Since then, I’ve continued writing, blogging, and speaking out about important city matters—issues that were never properly addressed during my time on the Strategic Planning Committee in 2022. Now, with another election upon us, I’m ready to take that fight to City Council and be the voice our residents deserve.
I am battle-tested, and I have proven that I will not give up on this community. As your City Council representative, I am committed to:
Being a good steward of the city’s properties and resources Conducting a constitutional review of our ordinances to ensure fairness and accountability Keeping Findlay fiscally responsible and making sure taxpayer dollars are spent wisely Allowing your thoughts and concerns to be heard in both written and oral communications Honoring the First Amendment and ensuring free speech in our Council chambers Improving the daily lives of all residents by addressing real community needs
Our local government has a responsibility to represent residents, provide essential public services, maintain infrastructure, regulate policies, and foster community development. I believe in a city government that is transparent, accountable, and responsive to the people it serves, keeping in mind the real purpose of city government.
I’m asking for your support in this election. If you’re ready for real leadership and a representative who listens, fights, and stands firm on principle, I’m your girl!
Let’s make Findlay a city that truly works for its people.
Please visit me at
VOTE Haydee Sadler for City Council Ward 6 on May 6th.