School Drug Education Programs Increase Focus On Opioid Abuse

10/6/17 – 5:04 A.M.

The drug talks your kids are getting in school are a little different than the talks you likely heard as a student. That’s according to the Courier, which reports there’s an increased focus on heroin and other opioids. Findlay Police Officer Brian White tells the newspaper he still talks to kids about the dangers of tobacco and alcohol but adds opioids are a bigger part of the discussion now.

Sheriffs Deputies Kreg Sheets and Shane Leeth serve as school resource officers in the county. They say much of the discussion focuses on how prescription drugs can lead to heroin abuse. Sheets says he tells kids they can request less powerful painkillers if they get their wisdom teeth out or suffer a sports injury.

Crime Prevention Deputy Beth Baker says the subject is difficult to talk about with younger students, but they often already know a lot about opioids.

MORE: The Courier