Sheriff’s Office Receiving Numerous Reports Of Drivers Breaking School Bus Laws

(From the Putnam County Sheriff’s Office)

We have had numerous reports since the start of school of vehicles driving by buses after they stop and have their red lights and stop arms activated.

Bus drivers and technology (cameras) have been very helpful in identifying these drivers, and we have been following up with citations.

We have zero tolerance on these violations.

As another reminder, bus drivers activate their yellow lights in advance of the stop.

This is essentially the same as a yellow light at an intersection.

This is telling you to prepare to stop.

You shouldn’t be caught off guard or still at regular speed when the reds activate.

We take the safety of our children very seriously, at school and being transported to and from.

We also want to thank our wonderful bus drivers in the county for transporting our such precious cargo safely and caring for them like their own.