Solar Eclipse Pet Safety Tips From The Local Humane Society

Natalie Reffitt with the Humane Society and SPCA of Hancock County was on with WKXA’s Rex Howard to discuss pet safety tips for the solar eclipse on Monday, April 8th.

“It would be good to treat the eclipse like the 4th of July,” Natalie said. “The 4th of July is one of the busiest times of the year for your pet to get lost.”

Natalie says to keep your pets leashed, tagged, and indoors if you can and make sure you have current pics of your pet if they do get lost.  



She’s recommending people from out of the area who are coming here to leave their pet at home because the worst things that could happen is you bring your pet someplace new and they get lost.

Natalie says you don’t have to worry about your pets eyes during the eclipse because instinctually they’re not going to look at the sun.

If you’re going to have an eclipse party make sure they are indoors and safe and not running to the door and getting out.