Women’s Resource Center Announces ‘Rise Up’ Campaign

(From Women’s Resource Center of Hancock County)

Women’s Resource Center (WRC) is proud to announce the launch of the “Rise Up” Capital Campaign, with a goal of raising $3 million to expand services and enhance support for families in need throughout Findlay and beyond.

The campaign was officially unveiled at a special event on October 24, 2024, with WRC having already secured 65% of its fundraising goal, raising just over $1.95 million. The funds will support new initiatives, building expenses, foundational support, and an endowment to ensure the long-term sustainability of WRC’s Christ-centered services. As part of the event, the Generations House was dedicated in honor of the Rick and Tracy Hessling Family, whose lead gift was instrumental in moving this initiative forward. When asked about the gift, the Hesslings said, “Our family is very proud to support Women’s Resource Center because they not only support life, but they support the family after birth as well.” “They are truly the hands and feet of Jesus to those in need in our community.”

“We are called to rise up for the families in our community—to stand by those who are most vulnerable and offer practical, emotional, and spiritual help,” said Chrissy Montgomery, Executive Director of Women’s Resource Center. “With God’s guidance, we have expanded our services and facilities to better meet the needs of the families we serve.” The “Rise Up” campaign is focused on creating a safe and nurturing environment for women, men, and children facing difficult circumstances. Key initiatives include the conversion of WRC’s main office into a pregnancy medical clinic, which offers free limited obstetric ultrasounds and pregnancy testing. The newly renovated house next door has been transformed into a center for the fatherhood program, parenting classes, mentoring sessions, and supervised visitations.

Goals of the “Rise Up” Campaign:

  • New Initiatives ($900,000): Expanding programs including clinic services, fatherhood mentoring, post-abortion recovery support, and family reunification.
  • Building Expenses ($600,000): Covering costs for purchasing and renovating the adjacent house to accommodate program expansion and remodeling the existing facility.
  • Foundational Support ($825,000): Ensuring operational expenses such as staffing, utilities, and program sustainability over the next three years.
  • Endowment Fund ($665,000): Establishing a long-term fund to ensure the continuation of WRC’s services for years to come.

“We’re asking the community to rise up with us—to support the families in need of guidance and care, the mothers learning to nurture their children, the fathers becoming active and present, and the individuals making life-affirming decisions,” said Beth Reed, President of the WRC Board of Directors. Women’s Resource Center believes that healthy families are the foundation of strong communities. With a Christ-centered mission, WRC is dedicated to walking alongside families in need, offering support and resources to guide them on their path to growth and hope.