Community Events for Saturday, January 26

Dance Party Tonight, 7-11pm at the Findlay Moose Lodge (W Main Cross). Admission $10.
(No contact number)

College Safety Day Tomorrow, 2-4pm at County Line Church, Harrod. Members of the Allen Co. Sheriff’s office will offer information and training on self-defense and active shooter situations. Free.

The Literacy Coalition of Hancock County is sponsoring a short story contest for kids in grades K-5 through Thursday. Stories can be on any subject and must be no more than 350 words with or without illustrations. Entry forms and complete rules at the Findlay-Hancock County Public Library or online at:

Dinner & Gospel Sing on Saturday, February 2 at South Side Restaurant (S Main St). Dinner at 5pm, music 6-8pm featuring Jimmy Bloomfield, Jesse Davila and The Singing Crowes.

Valentine Tea on Saturday, February 9, 12:30pm at the Grammes-Brown House, Tiffin. Entertainment will be ‘Love is in the Air: Songs of Love’ by Mimi Lange Johnston. $20/person, reservations required.

Dinner Gospel Concert on Sunday, February 10 at the Iron Skillet Restaurant, North Baltimore. Dinner at 5pm, music at 6pm featuring the 441 Quartet and Gary Herren. Presented by Truck Stop Ministries.
(419-704-0242 or 419-934-5456)

“Symphony Storytime” for children on Monday, February 11, 10:30am at the Findlay-Hancock County Public Library featuring members of the Lima Symphony Orchestra. For info:

Teen Game Night on Wednesday, February 20, 6:30pm at the Findlay-Hancock County Public Library. Come enjoy a large variety of card and board games. For info:

The Fostoria High School Music Department’s production of “The Little Mermaid” will be staged Friday & Saturday, March 22-23, 8pm and Sunday, March 24, 3pm. Call for tickets.

Fairy Tale Tea Party (for age 5 & Up with adult caregiver) on Saturday, February 23, 10:30am at the Findlay-Hancock County Public Library featuring a special performance by cast members of Youtheatre’s “Honk, Jr.” For info:

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