Community Events for Tuesday, February 20

Blood Donation Drive Today, Noon-5pm at the Findlay Evangelical Free Church (Heatherwood Dr). Walk-ins welcome, or make an appointment at:

Blood Donation Drive Today, Noon-6pm at the Ottawa VFW (W Second St). Walk-ins welcome, or make an appointment at:

Community Connections Evening Tomorrow, 5:30-7:30pm at the Bluffton Public Library. Info on library programs, along with programs and services from other organizations, businesses and government agencies. Free.

Craft Show on Saturday, 9am-2pm at Riverdale High School. Over 45 vendors and craft booths, bake sale, more. Free admission, refreshments available. Sponsored by the Riverdale PTO.
(No contact number)

Blood Donation Drive on Sunday, 10:30am-4:30pm at Findlay St. Michael Church (Bright Rd). Walk-ins welcome, or make an appointment at:

Blood Donation Drive on Monday, February 26, Noon-6pm at Mt. Blanchard United Methodist Church. Walk-ins welcome, or make an appointment at:

Findlay Diamond Dawgs Youth Baseball is sponsoring a Casino Bus Trip fundraiser to Greektown Casino, Detroit on Saturday, March 3, leaving Findlay at 11:15am and returning at 10pm. Cost $40/person (includes $15 bonus play and $5 food voucher). Call for tickets.

Benefit Soup, Salad and Sandwich & Sweets Luncheon on Sunday, March 4, 11am-3pm at the Jenera Community Building. Prizes, gift baskets, more. Cost is by donation.
(419-722-0521 or 419-722-5334)

The Children’s Mentoring Connection’s Bowling for Kids event will be held on Saturday & Sunday, March 10-11 at AMF Sportsman Lanes. Team registration now available at

10th annual “Don’t Stress Over the Dress” on Friday, March 9, 3-8pm; Saturday, March 10, 11am-5pm and Sunday, March 11, 1-4pm at the Findlay Village Mall. Over 700 formal dresses are available at no charge for girls who would otherwise not be able to afford to attend prom, along with shoes, accessories and more. Presented by The Shelly Company, CHOPIN Hall and the Findlay Village Mall.
(No contact number)

3rd annual “Spring Into Health” Health Fair on Thursday, April 5, 10am-1pm at Good Shepherd Home, Fostoria. Health information for every member of the family, all ages. Lunch available.

“YOU-nique: God’s Special Possession” Interdenominational Women’s Conference on Saturday, April 14 at Camden Falls Conference Center, Tiffin. Guest speaker, music, fellowship, more. Cost $28, includes lunch and continental breakfast. Presented by Women ACT (Acclaiming Christ Together). Call for reservations.
(419-448-4812 or 419-448-9852)

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