Anti-Issue 4 Robocalls Prompt Elections Complaint

11/17/17 – 5:12 A.M.

A Findlay organization has filed an elections complaint concerning robocalls area residents received before the November general election. A copy of the complaint received by WFIN shows Deborah Cook filed the complaint on behalf of Families for Safety and Security. The filing alleges that TRZ Communications of Akron made robocalls on behalf of an anonymous caller against Issue 4.

The complaint accuses the calls of violating two sections of the Ohio Revised Code. The filing says the call lied about the Hancock County Commissioners giving themselves a pay raise. It also says calls made between November 2 and November 7 incorrectly called the levy a 20-year tax increase. The complaint says the levy would have been tax neutral after nine months.

The second part of the complaint says the opposition caller did not identify themselves or offer a disclaimer.

The filing goes on to say the calls potentially affected the passage of the levy.