BVC Has Renewal Levy On March Ballot

(From Blanchard Valley Center)

The levy on the ballot for March 19, 2024, is a 5-year 2.5 mill levy that generates approximately $4.4 million annually.  In addition, there is another levy that will be on the ballot in spring 2025, a 5-year 1.9 mill levy. The 1.9 mill levy generates approximately $3.2 million annually.  The County Board has not asked for new money since 2005.  In 2023, approximately $6.8 million in local taxes were spent on children and adults with developmental disabilities in Hancock County.

“Over the years, the way we have provided supports has changed, but our mission has remained rock solid, and that is to help provide people with developmental disabilities with the best life possible.  We’re able to do that because of the great backing we receive from the community,” said Superintendent Kelli Grisham.

BVC’s Nadine Weininger has more on the levy.


The Hancock County Board of Developmental Disabilities/Blanchard Valley Center offers a roadmap of opportunities from birth through the end of life. 

Beginning at birth, the County Board offers Early Intervention services to help families and children with suspected delays.  We are partnering with the Hancock County Educational Service Center (ESC) to provide educational services to Blanchard Valley School’s preschool and school-age students.  Transition-age services include bridging the gap between high school and adulthood.  This area focuses on employment and independent living.  Project LIFE offers 10-week work rotations to interns at local businesses.

For adults, the Service & Support Administration (SSA) coordinates residential supports where staff come into their home or a group home where hours may range from five hours a week to 24/7 care. Most of the people we support are either community-employed or receive day services.

In addition to the above-mentioned, Hancock County Special Olympics allows 185 athletes, ages 8 and older, to participate in sports at varying skill levels.  Life engagement and advocacy groups allow for adults with developmental disabilities in Hancock County the opportunity to meet new people and explore their community. The County Board is ultimately responsible for ensuring the health and welfare of people with developmental disabilities in Hancock County.  When there are allegations of abuse or neglect, our investigative agents spring into action.

Photo attached: Superintendent Kelli Grisham and investigative agent Russ Teegardin.