Family Resource Center Emergency Basic Needs Program

(From Family Resource Center)

Family Resource Center has developed a program designed to address the emergency basic needs of individuals in Hancock County.

“People need to have their basic needs met before they can start to make healthy choices,” said Cristina Christensen, Criminal Justice Program Supervisor at Family Resource Center.

“Without access to food, shelter, or clothing, a person’s mental health suffers right alongside their physical health. It is crucial to emphasize that meeting basic needs is a fundamental, bedrock step in improving an individual’s mental health.”



Funded with support of a grant from The Findlay-Hancock County Community Foundation, the program will distribute bags full of emergency items such as no-prep foods, first-aid supplies, a sleeping bag, pillow, and blanket, a portable fan, a few clothing items, a poncho, and one additional item that is being included after the results of a survey among clients served suggested it.

“We asked about the most useful item for individuals, and surprisingly, it was a phone charger. So, we made sure that every bag has a phone charger including cords for the most common types of phones,” said Christensen.

Family Resource Center will distribute the emergency need bags upon request.

“We are grateful for the support of the Findlay-Hancock County Community Foundation in addressing emergency basic needs within our community,” said John Bindas, President & CEO of Family Resource Center.

“We believe that by addressing these fundamental needs, we can help pave the way for long-term positive change in the lives of our clients.” To learn more about Family Resource Center, visit