Findlay City Council Caught In Electric Territory Dispute

07/06/17 – 5:02 A.M.

Findlay City Council has tried to stay out of territorial disputes between Hancock-Wood Electric and AEP. Yet the Courier reports that they found themselves right in the middle of it anyways during their Wednesday meeting. CEO of Hancock-Wood Electric Cooperative George Walton addressed council saying AEP is cherry-picking large commercial customers. He added that they are doing so with the help of the Findlay-Hancock County Alliance’s Economic Development Office.

Walton also said that AEP is providing donations as high as $100,000 to the Alliance. In a recent letter to the editor, Walton accused AEP of using its financial resources to feed small municipalities to get special treatment.

Council debated for almost an hour trying to decide their next move. They had stopped short of approving legislation that Hancock-Wood said it needs to stop AEP from cherry-picking services. They then referred the legislation to an informal committee of the whole for 5 p.m. on July 11.