Findlay: Safety A Pillar Of City’s Mission And Values

(From the City of Findlay)

Safety is a pillar of the City of Findlay’s mission and values. The City is proud to have a culture of safety within its workforce that has led to $2,529,194.77 in workers compensation reimbursements since 2019.

The City participates in the Ohio Bureau of Worker’s Compensation (BWC) Group-Retrospective Rating Program. The City continues to pay its individual premium and has the opportunity to receive retrospective premium adjustments based upon the combined performance of the group.

The most significant contributor to savings within the group is each employer’s experience modification rate (EMR). BWC uses the historical payroll, industry type and claim costs to determine EMR. An employer with claim costs that are typical for its size and industry will have an EMR of 1.0. If the employer has lower claim costs than typical, their EMR will be below 1.0.  Conversely, if an employer has higher claims costs than typical, their EMR will be above 1.0.  The City of Findlay’s EMR for 2024 will be 0.71 and has had an average EMR of 0.82 for the last 5 years.

The City’s Human Resources office tracks workplace incidents and identifies possible preventative measures to avoid future occurrences. The City has partnered with BWC to have all facilities assessed for safety and makes changes based on findings.

The City looks forward to continuing to ensure a culture of safety amongst its workforce.