Four Former Patients File Suit Against Bluffton Doctor

7/20/17 – 5:12 A.M.

A Bluffton doctor facing sexual imposition charges is now also facing civil lawsuits. The Courier reports four former patients of Dr. James Gideon filed suit in the Allen County Common Pleas Court in Lima on Monday. The filings allege that Gideon asked the women to remove their bras at his office because he claimed the bras were causing them pain. The suits also claim Gideon removed the women’s pants and underwear to administer shots, groped them, and kissed two of the women.

In a written statement to the Courier, Gideon said, “I have not yet had a trial on the criminal charges nor a hearing regarding the medical board’s action. When I do get an opportunity to fully respond to the patients’ complaints, I believe that I will be fully exonerated. Until that time, I hope that people will reserve judgment regarding what happened.”

The State Medical Board suspended Gideon’s medical license on June 14. He has pleaded not guilty to seven misdemeanor sexual imposition charges. A pretrial hearing is set for August 22.

MORE: The Courier