Hancock Sheriff’s Office Recognized For Policy And Training

The Hancock County Sheriff’s Office says it’s been recognized for excellence in policy and training

To maintain a consistent and professional response, the Hancock County Sheriff’s Office relies on comprehensive, up-to-date policies.

The HCSO works with Lexipol, the nation’s leading provider of policy, training and wellness support for first responders and public servants.

The Lexipol Connect program tracks the Hancock County Sheriff’s Office performance on five metrics proven to measure success in policy management.

Recently, the Hancock County Sheriff’s Office was recognized by the Lexipol Connect program for achieving Gold level for consistently and effectively disseminating policies to officers, issuing timely policy updates as laws change, and ensuring officers are trained on policies.

The Hancock County Sheriff’s Office’s says it’s excellence in policy and policy training enhances community safety by ensuring consistent, effective response based on national best practices.


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