Latta Sticking By Trump As House Launches Formal Impeachment Inquiry

Congressman Bob Latta is sticking by President Trump as the House launches a formal impeachment inquiry into the president.

The Republican from Bowling Green describes the impeachment inquiry as “partisan hackery at its worst.”

On Twitter Latta said, “Democrats have been talking about impeaching @POTUS since the day after the election. This isn’t about accountability or working on behalf of the American people–this is about their candidate not winning in 2016.”

“Instead of working w/ the president on bipartisan policies to move this country forward, they’ve wasted everyone’s time w/ messaging bills, partisan games, & calls for impeachment. The American people elected @POTUS, & they deserve better than partisan hackery at its worst.”

President Trump says he did not do anything inappropriate by asking Ukraine’s president to investigate former VP Joe Biden and his son Hunter.

Trump withheld nearly 400-million dollars in U.S. aid to Ukraine but the aid was subsequently released.

Trump’s phone conversation with Ukraine’s president prompted the launch of a formal House impeachment inquiry into the president.