VIDEO: Mihalik Joining Group Of Mayors In Texas To Protest Separation Of Children From Parents

6/20/18 – 10:07 A.M.

Findlay Mayor Lydia Mihalik is joining a group of mayors from around the nation to protest the separation of immigrant children from their families at the border. A release from the city says around 10 mayors associated with the U.S. Conference of Mayors are taking part in the visit to Tornillo, Texas.

Mihalik says, “The practice or policy or law, whatever you want to call it, is wrong.” She adds, “I’m not interested in debating who is responsible for it or how long it has been in place. It is wrong and is a manifestation of the inability of our lawmakers in Washington to get something done on Comprehensive Immigration Reform.”

Mihalik says she’s going to Texas to shed light on an inhumane act.

Facebook Live chat with Mayor Mihalik: