Putnam County Health Officials Present Results Of Teen Health Survey

3/8/19 – 5:16 A.M.

Putnam County health officials are sizing up the results of a 2017 survey of students in grades six, eight, 10, and 12. The Lima News reports the Putnam County Task Force For Youth held a meeting on the topic Thursday.

The study found students in the county start using alcohol at an average age of 13.8. That’s down from 14.2 in 2015. While that number isn’t going the direction task force members want to see, attitudes about underage alcohol use are changing. The survey found 81 percent of high school seniors say that alcohol use is wrong or very wrong. 92 percent of the parents of eighth-grade students tell their kids underage alcohol use is wrong.

The survey also accounted for marijuana and tobacco use, as well as violence and behavioral health.

MORE: Lima News