Schools Awarded ‘Safe Routes To School’ Program Grants

The state has awarded more than $9.8 million for projects to improve safety for students walking and biking to school.

Among the area school districts receiving grant funding are the Carey Exempted Village School District and Columbus Grove Local Schools.

The Carey Exempted Village School District will be receiving $347,325 for partial funding to extend a walk south of Memorial Park Boulevard for future extension to a nearby residential area, and to add a walk along the north side of Crabapple Drive from the crossing at the intersection with Yule Tree Drive to the High Street sidewalk.

Columbus Grove Local Schools will be receiving $100,000 for partial funding for pedestrian crossing enhancements at the intersections of High Street with Pendleton Street and Cross Street. Improvements include signage, crosswalk, and rectangular rapid flashing beacons.

The Safe Routes to School program provides funding for infrastructure like new sidewalks and path extensions, crosswalks and rapid flashing beacons, bicycle lanes, and other safety equipment around Ohio schools.

It also provides programming for communities to help encourage and enable K-12 students living within 2 miles of their schools to walk or ride a bike.