Suspect Fires Gun While Being Pursued By Police

(From the Fostoria Police Division)

On 05/22/2024 at approximately 0100 hrs, the Fostoria Police Department responded to the 1300 block of S. Main St, for a call of a suspicious person, attempting to open vehicle doors.

As officers checked the area, they located a subject wearing all black with a black bag. Officers then got out on foot and began approaching the subject. When the subject seen the officers, he ran. Fostoria Police Sergeant Nate Elliott and Patrolman Chad Marchetto began chasing the subject westbound down McLean St across S. Union St. As Sergeant Elliott and Officer Marchetto closed the distance with the subject, and warned the subject of being tazed, the subject fired a gun.

Officers then drew their weapons and continued after the subject who they found throwing items over a fence, of which he then could not get over. Officers were able to apprehend the subject, identified as Elijah Keiffer, 26 YOA, of Fostoria.

On the other side of the fence, where Mr Keiffer was throwing items was a black bag, containing a large amount of coins and numerous other items officers were able to determine were stolen from several vehicles on the south end of Fostoria. Also located was a loaded Sig Sauer 9mm and a spent shell casing.

Mr Keiffer was arrested on several Felony charges, including possession of weapons under disability, discharging a firearm in the city, and possession of a stolen firearm. The firearm was found to have been stolen during a car break in a few days ago outside of Arcadia.

While the spent casing and gun were located, investigators were unable to locate the spent round, at this time. The location of the evidence found, in alignment with where Mr Keiffer was apprehended, suggests and are consistent with Mr Keiffer shooting the gun at the pursuing officers.

Additional charges are pending upon further investigation and prosecutor review.

Thankfully no injuries were reported by any of the parties involved!