Workers Comp Discussion Takes Over Findlay City Council Meeting

06/06/18 – 7:53 A.M.

Findlay City auditor Jim Staschiak and mayor Lydia Mihalik disagreed on how to handle workers comp during Tuesday’s city council meeting. The Courier reports CompManagement was the first choice of the Ohio Municipal League. The league then changed it’s choice to CareWorksComp in late May

Staschiak signed with CompManagement and paid a $6,000 fee by the time the switch was made. Mihalik overrode his decision to partner with the league’s new choice. She insisted that there have been issues with CompManagement including a lack of communication. She said they’ve also failed to address extensive claims made by one employee. She said the employee has made 15 claims over a span of 20 years.

Staschiak said the current provider has a proven record of service with the city and has lowered premiums and capped liabilities. He added that CompManagement Health Systems is still a better deal. More on The Courier.