Findlay Achieves Pet-Friendly Certification

The City of Findlay has received the official Better Cities For Pets certification, as part of the Mars Petcare Better Cities For Pets program, showcasing its commitment to creating a pet-friendly community.

Mayor Christina Muryn says more people than ever view pets as members of the family, and with 85 million pet-households in the United States, Findlay is on the forefront of creating a vibrant community where pets are not only welcome, but thrive.

“Pets are an important part of many of our lives. Creating a community that accounts for our furry family members is part of having a vibrant community,” the mayor said.

“I am proud that Findlay has been recognized for the efforts we have taken thus far and am excited to continue to expand our efforts over the next few years as we continue to create environments for all to enjoy our wonderful community.”

Mars Petcare launched the Better Cities For Pets city certification program in 2019 as an extension of the Better Cities For Pets program, which works with local government, businesses and non-profits to help communities make four-legged friends welcome.

The certification, created in partnership with urban-planning organization, Civic Design Center, evaluates cities based on 12 traits of pet-friendly cities across four categories: businesses, parks, shelters and homes.

Applicants that received a certification demonstrated their commitment to creating a pet-friendly community and fostering the well-being of all citizens and pet companions.

(this pictures above and below were taken at a Wags and Walks event held in Findlay)