Firefighters Take Kids Christmas Shopping In Findlay

Findlay firefighters helped brighten the holidays for several local kids and their families.

The Findlay Fire Department again this year participated in the Shop With a Firefighter program, in conjunction with Findlay Hope House and Walmart.

Firefighters took the youngsters shopping at the Walmart on Tiffin Avenue.

The kids bought a gift for each member of their family and also spent some money on themselves.

And families also purchased everything they would need for a nice Christmas dinner.

Millstream Area Credit Union and Baker’s Café then wrapped up the gifts for the families.

“It’s really cool to follow around some of the firefighters and kiddos and hear the conversations they have,” said Starr Laytart with Hope House.

“It does bring joy to the hearts of everybody who’s involved with this program.”



We also spoke with Findlay firefighter Travis Bohn (below) who said it’s one of his favorite events of the year.

“It means the world to us and it is one of our favorite days of the year, and I’m already looking forward to next year.”

He said this is the fourth year he’s been in charge of it and the department has been participating for around 30 years he believes.

Get more of our conversation with Travis and see video from the event below.