Hancock County Resident Joins “Saved By The Belt” Club

A Hancock County resident has joined Ohio’s “Saved by the Belt” club after his seat belt saved him from being seriously injured or killed in a crash.

The highway patrol says the crash that Matthew J. Witte, of Rawson, was involved in happened in May in Liberty Township on County Road 84.

“Matthew is living testimony to the effectiveness of safety belts,” said Lt. Matt Crow, Findlay Post Commander, after presenting Matthew with a “Saved by the Belt” certificate signed by the director of the Ohio Department of Public Safety.

“Everyone needs to buckle up, every trip, every time.”

In 2018, 419 people were killed in traffic crashes where a safety belt was available but not being used.

The “Saved by the Belt” Club is a joint effort by the Ohio Department of Public Safety and more than 400 Ohio law enforcement agencies.

This club recognizes people who have benefited from their decision to wear a safety belt.

Witte also received a “Saved by the Belt” license plate bracket.