Health Officials Concerned About Growing Number Of Suicides

9/17/18 – 5:00 A.M.

Hancock County health officials are paying close attention to rising suicide numbers. Hancock Public Health says 10 residents have taken their lives this year. There were nine suicide deaths in 2017 and five in 2016.

Century Health emergency services coordinator Nancy Stephani says any number of things could be leading to higher suicide numbers this year. She adds that includes things like the heat, financial stress, or drug issues.

Whatever the causes, Stephani says its important to get help for someone who you think might take their own life. She says you can call 911, as Ohio has a law that can force an unwilling person into the hospital if they are having a mental health crisis.

If you’re not comfortable calling 911, Stephani says to call her at Century Health or call the ADAMHS crisis hotline at 888-936-7116.

MORE: The Courier