Commissioners Talk About State Route 68 Project In Arlington
04/26/18 – 7:20 P.M.
State Route 68 through Arlington is in disrepair and officials from the village met with the Hancock County Commissioners to discuss a project. Village Councilman Brian Essinger said that they have a project broken up into three phases over three years. He added that it could be shorter with proper funding.
Essinger explained that the village shouldn’t be alone in funding the project. Essinger said that funding has been the issue. Despite help from ODOT and grants, they are still short over $850,000. State and federal representatives have expressed their support for the project but nothing has been done yet.
Essinger added that the village shouldn’t have to front the costs all by itself.
Commissioner Brian Robertson recommended having the village get letters from the various companies that use the route to send to the state house. He said this will help put political pressure on those in charge of the budget.