Findlay Tax Policy Once Again Takes Center Stage At Council Meeting

4/4/18 – 5:23 A.M.

Findlay city council members will talk about the city’s tax policy later this month. At issue once again are rules that allow certain businesses to pay their taxes at different times of the year rather than make quarterly estimated payments. Councilman Dennis Hellmann said he is hard-pressed to explain the policy.

Six council members voted to hold a meeting at 5 p.m. on April 25 in the Findlay Municipal Building. John Harrington, Grant Russel, Tom Shindledecker, and Tim Watson all voted against the meeting.

Mayor Lydia Mihalik says the policy helps the city avoid making large repayments to businesses that overpay. She also accused Councilwoman Holly Frische of politicizing the practice by calling it a deferment. Frische has called for the city’s tax board to write policies to govern the practice.

MORE: The Courier