Hancock County Commissioners Set Dates For Public Hearings About Sales Tax

9/27/18 – 11:03 A.M.

The Hancock County Commissioners are moving forward with plans to replace an expiring quarter-percent sales tax with a new quarter-percent sales tax at the end of the year. They voted 2-1 Thursday to hold public hearings on the issue in October

Audio:Brian Robertson

Commissioner Brian Robertson says if the commissioners approve the sales tax, it would also help the county pay for things like the ag extension, Hancock County Soil and Water, and regional planning. Robertson says all of those agencies are in danger of receiving no county funding without the sales tax.

Commissioner Tim Bechtol voted in favor of moving forward with the new sales tax…

Audio:Tim Bechtol

Commissioner Mark Gazarek voted against the measure…

Audio:Mark Gazarek

The public hearings are set for October 17 at 6 p.m. and October 25 at 1:30 p.m. in the county commissioners office.