Hancock County Contracting With Six Disciplines To Formulate Strategic Plan

9/6/18 – 11:44 A.M.

Hancock County will contract with a local company to help form a strategic plan for the future. The commissioners voted 2-1 Thursday to pay $15,000 to Six Disciplines for a two-day consulting seminar

Audio:Tim Bechtol

Commissioner Tim Bechtol says the session will get the elected leaders working in the same direction.

Commissioner Brian Robertson says this will help give voters a clear picture of where the county is heading

Audio:Brian Robertson

Commissioner Mark Gazarek voted against the plan…

Audio:Mark Gazarek

Robertson responded by saying the county has to invest in solutions rather than always saying no and not doing anything about problems. Both Bechtol and Robertson say since the county has several independent offices headed by elected officials it makes sense to get everyone on the same page.

Robertson says the planning sessions wont violate sunshine statutes because sunshine laws allow for planning meetings. He adds theyll make anything that comes out of the planning meetings available to the public.