Road 5 Suit Going To Mediation In Putnam County

6/11/18 – 5:31 A.M.

A long-standing legal dispute in Putnam County is going to mediation. The Putnam County Sentinel reports a visiting judge recently granted a mediation request from a lawyer representing property owners along Road 5. The mediation is set for July 10 and 11 in Putnam County.

The issue stems from the widening of Road 5. The commissioners voted to move forward with the project seven years ago, to the objection of several property owners along the road. The county used eminent domain to buy the land needed, but many of the people living along the road never accepted the payment.

The property owners alleged sunshine law violations relating the road widening, and a judge found against the county commissioners in that case. They filed a second suit against the county last year. Among other items, it seeks to return the land taken in eminent domain back to its original condition.

MORE: Putnam County Sentinel